Our Kelp

Harvested by humans for thousands of years, Kelps are large brown algae or seaweeds that make up the order of Laminariales.There are approximately 30 different genera. Our kelp (aka Oarweed or Laminaria Digitata), is prized globally for its nutritional benefits as a stand alone product as well as a value added ingredient and is used in numerous industries.
The cold, nutrient-dense waters of the North Atlantic make Nova Scotian Kelp particularly sought after. Our kelp boasts over 65 bioavailable minerals, vitamins, micronutrients, antioxidants, amino acids, and other trace elements.These include calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, and iodine, omega 3 and 6, the compounds fucoidan and humectant, as well as vitamins such as A, B complex, C, D and E.
Sustainably hand-harvested storm-tossed kelp from the shores of Nova Scotia, Scotia Kelp creates specially formulated, natural kelp extract sprays for personal, pet, and plant care.
With over 25 years of industry experience, we are committed to providing our customers with exceptional, easy-to-use products made with minimal environmental impact.